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Recommended Hotels

I spent a day in Venice and visited over 30 hotels from this we have found 5 properties to recommend for a variety of budgets

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Palazzo Selvadego

I stumbled across this property on the corner of St Marks square which house 4 star serviced appartments and has full use of the restaurant and facilities of the Monaco Grand Hotel which is 150 meters away. The property was a palazzo that has been complety refurbished by the benetton Architect and is very comfortable.We have secured 25 rooms here and achieved a rate of €290 per night including breakfast.

This website has a good description and photosPalazzo Selvedago.

More photos can be found here

To Reserve a room email or speak to Michela tel. + 39.0432.931457 or fax + 39.0432.931196

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San Zulian

This is a 3 star hotel 200 metersNorth of St Marks square which I stayed in.It is a small property with an unattractive exterior but newly refurbished interior. This is available at €225.00 per night including breakfast. The hotel website can be accessed by clicking on San Zulian

More photos can be found here

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Luna Baglioni

A traditional 4 star hotel on the shores of the grand canal beside St Marks square,marble floors and the usual plumbing.Rates are around €430. the hotel website can be viewed by clicking hereLuna Baglioni

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Gritti Palace

probably the nicest hotel in venice (and one of the most expensive).A traditional hotel which was a 17th palace overlooking the gran canal Gritti Palace

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