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Restaurant suggestions in Venice

  • $$ La Corte Sconta – Claudio Proiett’s trailblazing seafood restaurant in the eastern reaches of Castello is now such a firm favourite on Venetians and well informed tourists that it is usually a good idea to book in advance. The main act is an endless procession of seafood antipasti; the day’s catch might include canoce (mantis shrimps), garusoli (sea-snails), or canestrelli (baby scallop shells). The pasta is homemade, and the warm zabaione dessert is a delight. Décor is of the rustic trat variety, the ambience loud and friendly. In the summer, try to secure one of the tables in the pretty vine-covered courtyard.
  • $ Al Mascaron – The convivial, lively and funky Al Mascaron is still a worthwhile experience if you have never been there before. With its paper tablecloths and very informal atmosphere, is a regular stop for Venetians who drop in to gossip, drink, play cards and eat cicchetti at the bar. You can bet on delicious seafood, pastas, risottos, and seafood salads. Booking is a must unless you come very early or very late. Calle Lunga Santa Maria Formosa 5225, Castello tel. 041. 5225995. Closed on Sunday.
  • $$$ Osteria da Fiore – Tucked away in the little calle off the top Campo di San Polo, Da Fiore is an established favorite among high-end diners in search of superbly prepared classic Venetian cuisine in a refined and relaxing atmosphere. The long dining room, softly lit and warmly decorated with wooden wainscotting, is run by sure-handed waiters in white coats. Delicate antipasti of moeche (soft-shell crabs), capesante (scallops), and folpetti (baby octopus) might be followed by a succulent risotto or tagliolini con scampi e zucchine (with shrimp and zucchini), and a perfectly cooked main course of rombo (turbot) or branzino. Reservations essential. Closed Sun.-Mon. Aug. 10-early Sept. and Dec. 25-Jan. 15. Calle de Scaleter 2202/a San Polo. Tel. 041. 721308. Closed on Sunday and Monday.
  • $$$ Fiaschetteria Toscana – This warm restaurant in a former Tuscan wine and oil storehouse merits a jaunt from Terra firma to Cannareggio for its cheerful, courteous service, fine cucina and rose-hue walls. In warm weather the best tables are in the arbor on the square. Campo S. Giovanni Crisostomo 5719, Cannaregio. Closet Tues. Tel. 041. 5285281. Around lit. 80.000 wines excluded
  • $ L’Anice Stellato – Very nice restaurant. Friendly atmosphere. Traditional cuisine. Good quality/price. Around lit. 45.000 wines excluded. Cannaregio 3272, Venezia tel. 041. 720744. Closed on Monday.
    $$ Vini da Gigio – A quaint, friendly, family-run trattoria on the quay side of a canal just off the Strada Nuova, da Gigio is very popular with Venetians and visiting Italians, who appreciate the affable service. Excellent cooked home made pasta, fish, meet and dishes; and imaginative and varied cellar and good quality draft wine. Fondamenta de la Chiesa 3628/a Cannaregio tel. 041. 5285140. Closed on Monday. Lit. 65.000 wines excluded.
  • $ L’incontro – This trattoria has a faithful clientele of Venetians and visitors, attracted by flavorsome food, friendly service, and reasonable prices. Menu choices include freshly made Sardinian pasta, juicy steaks, wild duck… You’ll find it between San Barnaba and Campo San Margherita. Rio Terrà Canal 3062/a Dorsoduro tel. 041. 5222404. Closed on Monday. *******************************
  • $ Da Ignazio – Smallish, pleasant, and near Capo di San Polo, Ignazio is reliable for good food at reasonable prices. The cuisine is classical Venetian, from seafood risotto to fegato alla Veneziana, but there are standard Italians items as well. Calle dei Saoneri 2749, San Polo, Venezia. Tel. 041. 5234852. Closed on Saturday. Lit. 55.000 pp wines excluded
  • $ Pizzeria Ae Oche – A great saloonlike pizzeria with rows of imported stouts on the shelves and a non-smoking room . The very popular Ae Oche (Chez Geese) is named for the nearby calle once renowned for the raising and commerce of geese, and the house pizza is topped with everything but goose meat. Seventy-nine more pizza combinations include the successful Campagnola, lavishly sprinkled with a mix of tomato, mozzarella, mushroom, Brie, and speck (smoked prosciutto). Purists should stick to the margherita with tomato, mozzarella, and basil. A selection of 16 salads plus a few pasta dishes make the Oche an ideal stop for a light meal between sights. Calle delle Oche, 1552/a-b Santa Croce, Venice, Italy. Phone: 041/524-1161 (Near Campo San Polo)
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  • Most romantic thing to do - A romantic walk along the ‘Zattere’ till ‘ la Punta della Salute’- this is the very Point of the Dorsoduro where the Grand canal meets the Bacino di S Marco – you can get the vaporetto to S Maria Della Salute in the evening before the sun goes down and walk along the canalside - bring a bottle of wine and just sit and enjoy the view along the Granal canal, the Bacino, the Campanile and Giudecca as you watch the sun go down.

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